Sunday, July 1, 2018

Song of the Day: "Future Me Hates You" by The Beths

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Current pop culture status: 
Just finished binge-watching two episodes of "Ghost Adventures" with Brian. 
I used to think exec-producer and bicep flexing, Ed Hardy shirt-wearing Zak Bagans was kind of dumb, this dude-bro guy who lucked into a show. But I think he really cares. Certainly he's passionate about what he does. So maybe he's a sage? Or am I just watching too much reality TV?
Watching an infomercial for the Luminous Silk makeup system and I'm ready to buy it. I'm going to be 44 this July 17. So I need an airbrush to paint on a little "liquid youth." Damn it, what was that savings code? Also, the 1940s actress in me feels like saying, "Max Factor, eat your heart out."
As far as new music I've heard a couple really cute songs by a group called The Beths. I love that they have a song called "Future Me Hates Me," which is just the cherry on the top of the self-deprecating worldview held by anyone born after 1969. 
The Beths lead singer Elizabeth Stokes sounds more than a bit like Liz Phair—who I think is so amazing, even when people are calling her a sell-out for churning out a couple irresistible pop hits like "Why Can't I?" 
So it's helping the band win me over especially quickly because that voice is tugging at my music-loving heartstrings.

—Sarah Torribio

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