Wednesday, July 6, 2016

You go, Rose McGowan!

Wow! Rose McGowan has penned a letter defending Renee Zellweger, who has been cruelly skewered for her appearance in recent years. 

Who knew she was such a bad-ass? 

And her point is well-taken. Actresses are constantly put in a damned-if-they-do, damned-if-they-don't position, criticized for aging gracefully or for taking measures to fight the aging process. 
The new cry in the tabloid news—which, as the lowbrow individual I am, I follow—is that so-and-so is "unrecognizable." 
Recognize this: We all change with time and even from year to year. 
I am fond of a phrase Jane Austin sometimes uses regarding one of her heroines who, in Edwardian times, was considered a spinster, i.e. past 25 and unmarried. 
The woman—whose spirits and physical glow have been dampened by disappointment and time—has a "second bloom." She moves again to the height of beauty and health. 
It happened to every woman's favorite protagonist Elizabeth Bennet in "Pride and Prejudice," a story on which "Bridget Jones Diary" is loosely based. Proximity to fresh air and the excitement of matching wits with Mr. Darcy put some color in her cheeks. 
With 42 looming, I'm ready for what I figure will be my seventh bloom! Here's to me looking recognizably unrecognizable.

Rose McGowan Pens Response to Critic of Renee Zellweger's Face: "Vile, Damaging, Stupid and Cruel" (Guest Column)

On June 30, Variety published a column by its new film critic Owen Gleiberman titled "Renee Zellweger: If She No Longer Looks Like Herself Has She Become a Different Actress?" The critical piece offered Gleiberman's take on plastic surgery in Hollywood, an issue he wrote about after watching a trailer for Zellweger's new film, Bridget Jones's Baby.

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