Battlestar Eclectica: October 2020

Monday, October 26, 2020

Random Musing: How to adult

I have decided to become a life coach because my own life is in a shambles. I'm my first client and am starting from the ground-up with the basics. 

Friday, October 23, 2020

Epigram of the Day: "The Best Defense"


Song of the Day: "Gives You Hell" by the All-American Rejects

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My song of the day, "Gives You Hell" by the All-American Rejects— is vengeful and petty and I love it. It's from the power pop/rock band's 2008 hit "Gives You Hell" off their World Comes Down album. 

—Sarah Torribio

Song of the Day: "Rotting Piñata" by Sponge

Sometimes I think Sponge might be underrated. 

There's a momentum in this song, "Rotting Piñata"—off the band's 1994 album by the same name—that makes it perfect for a car trip. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Song of the Day: "She Shakes" by Pure Bathing Culture

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I haven't listened to this pretty indie pop confection, "She Shakes" by Pure Bathing Culture off the group's 2015 album Pray for Rain, in a while. I love the whimsy of this song. Lead singer Sarah Versprille has a lovely and strong alto vibrato and an octave-straddling range.
As for the music, there are taught and simple drum-lines, jangly dining guitar and just enough production tweaks to make the song glitter.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Song of the Day: "It's Good to be in Love" by Frou Frou

How did I not know that I needed to hear this song? Imogen Heap is, of course, amazing and from some enchanted woodland. And the production of 'It's Good to Be in Love" by Frou Frou is so lush.
I love her description of feeling unhappy, discontent and awkward: "When all of my clothes feels like somebody's old throwaways."
I know that feeling well. . .

Song of the Day: "It's a Mistake" by Men at Work

Music has a frequency. Sometimes I feel harried, pressed for time, overwhelmed, socially maladapted, unkempt and feral—and that's just for starters. All of the bad stuff.
When it's like that and my nerves are jinglier than windchimes made from xylophone keys, I have a go-to band. It's Men at Work. It's a balm to my soul. it's like having a kitten asleep in my lap. It's like taking a shot of tequila before hitting the dance floor or drinking warm milk before bed.
If there wasn't the competing force of The Police, Men At Work would be more celebrated than it is. Or maybe there are other closet super-fans out there.
So, hoping to calm, focus and right I decided it was time, yet again, to listen to some music. I do it everyday with a passion. Men at Work, I thought to myself. And then I heard a refrain in my head: "It's a Mistake."
There. That's better.


Song of the Day: "Lemon" by Local Natives ft. Sharon Van Etten

My song of the day is "Lemon" by indie rockers Local Natives featuring actress and singer/songwriter Sharon Van Etten. It's a charming duet with clear, ringing guitar notes and two fine singers' voices intertwining. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Epigram of the Day: "In Which I Boldly Assess My Diet"

Bite-Sized Autobiography: "I pledge allegiance. . ."


This pic I came across on social media just brought back a memory. It's a true story. When I was a kid, I was very scrupulous.
I didn't want to participate in any ceremony, whether patriotic or religious, if it was just a rote activity.
For example, I really got into watching Franko Zeferelli's mini-series, "Jesus of Nazareth," when it was screened every year near Easter. It reaffirmed my belief.
(I also looked forward each year to Family Film Festival screenings of "The Birds," "Pippi Longstocking," this sad anime version of "The Little Mermaid" and "The Incredible Mr. Limpett" with the irresistible Don Knotts.
Tom Hatten introduced the films on early afternoons Saturdays. Boy, he was a nice-looking guy and during the morning cartoon portion of his program, which was dominated by shows like "Popye."
He could make a cartoon out of any scribble or doodle a kid sent in. He'd select the doodle from a giant barrel and then transform it into some funny animal or outrageous-looking person.
Back to the scrupulosity.
I figured that if I was gonna say this secular prayer called "The Pledge of Allegiance" with my peers every day, then I could only do it if I meant it. I had to make myself feel really glad that "the flag was still there," otherwise, what was the point?
So when I was 8 or 9, I had a ritual that accompanied "The Pledge." Unbeknownst to anyone but me, I projected a moving mental panorama over the backdrop of our class flag. It was Revolutionary War in theme, and featured a procession led by a drummer boy and another kid with a fife followed by a parade of revolutionary soldiers on a horse.
It that strange?

—Sarah Torribio

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Song of the Day: "Go Fast Baby" by Raissa


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You had me at "Spark me up, I'm your blunt, get you faded. . .

Ash and dust, try and sober me up. I feel jaded. . ."

Raissa is the stage name for English singer-songwriter Raissa Khan-Panni. I didn't need to surf the web to learn that her shiny straight bangs are awesome. Her single "Go Fast Baby" was released in September 2020. 

—Sarah Torribio

Random Musing: The Cure and aural relativity

Song of the Day: "Omaha" by Counting Crows


So this happened a couple of months ago at a thrift store for $1. It’s 1993 all over again.

August and Everything After by Counting Crows remains a great album, with my favorite songs being “Omaha” and “Rain King.” The latter is song of the day on battlestar eclectica. It's earned that honor in part because of the strong imagery in the lyrics. I love the following gem: 

In the middle of the night there's an old man
threading his toes through a bucket of water.
Hey mister, if you want to walk on water
you're only going to walk all over me.

Also it hits that sweet spot we all love between country music and rock 'n roll. Think John Cougar Mellencamp's "Little Pink Houses."

I saw the band years ago at the Greek Theatre in LA with my sister Andrea. It actually rained that evening, which was exhilarating except for the woman in the row ahead of us who insisted on unfurling a large black umbrella and dancing side-to-side with it, thus obscuring our view.

You know who you are, lady. I forgive, but I don’t forget.

—Sarah Torribio

Etsy Shopping Find of the Day: Cat Garden Art Stones

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My Etsy Shopping Find of the Day is Cat Garden Art Stones from the ArtToYouShop. It's a simple idea. Stones painted shiny blacksmith added eyes, in your choice of blue, green or gold eyes. Ingenious!

But as the owner/servant of a black kitty (his name is Marvin, if you were wondering), I can tell you that they are acute and look just like a sleek ebony feline lurking in your garden. They are $10, which makes me think these might be just the ticket when it comes to Christmas gifts for some of my cat-loving friends and kin. 

—Sarah Torribio

Friday, October 9, 2020

Song of the Day: "Hypochondriac" by Sasha Sloan

My song of the day is "Hypochondriac" by Sasha Sloan, a Los Angeles-based singer/songwriter of the indie/alt rock variety. It's a soft and pretty little tune, intimate as a cup of tea or a hangnail. I think we all can agree with the sentiment, having grown more cautious due to love and or/age. 


Random Musing: The Great Escape

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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Random Musing of the Day: Thoughts of a stoned dog


Song of the Day: "Love Will Tear Us Apart" by Joy Division

I guess I'm feeling a little goth today, but this song never fails to give me chills and to make me 16 years old all over again. My song of the day is "Love Will Tear Us Apart" by Joy Division. It was released in 1980 as a stand-alone single a month after the tragic suicide of frontman Ian Curtis

Many of you will be aware that after Joy Division's 4-year-run and Curtis' death, the band re-emerged as the hugely popular band New Order in 1980 and proceeded to release an astounding amount of hits.

Song of the Day: "Still Ill" by The Smiths

Morrissey was my greatest teacher when it comes to using an active voice in writing. I love the aggression and momentum in The Smiths song “Still Ill.”
“I decree today that life is simply taking and not giving. England is mine, and it owes me a living. . . “

Song lyrics: "Aqua Velva Blue"

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I woke up with this song I wrote a number of years ago n my head. It has guitar too and a couple more verses. I thought I'd continue my animation project.
It is a sad one, from a time when, as the Psychedelic Furs say, "There's a heartbreak beat playing all night long."
Things are ever so much better now. But I'm not going to scrap the old stuff.
I'm trying to remember if I recorded this as a demo. I'm also tentatively planning (not sure what I'm waiting for) to use my mic, computer camera, selfie light and instruments—guitar and bass—to start recording some of my dozens of songs.
Self-expression it is. Life's too short for embarrassment. As Morrissey sings in The Smiths "Ask":
"Shyness is nice. And shyness can stop you from doing all the things in life that you'd like you. . ."

—Sarah Torribio

Friday, October 2, 2020

Song of the Day: "The Streets Where I Belong" by Annie



My song of the day, which I came across—as I so often do—on the music recommending/promotion site LetsLoop is by "The Streets Where I Belong" by Annie. It's some very pretty and wistful dance pop. Wikipedia tells me that Annie is a Norwegian singer-songwriter, DJ and record producer who is based in Berlin. 

Sarah Torribio

Song of the Day: "Can't Talk, Won't" by Coach Party

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I don't know how this girl managed to get up in my head, but I identify like the Dickens. Is anyone else having trouble keeping up with all the great music out there? My song of the day is "Can't Talk, Won't" by Coach Party

It's a 4-piece indie rock band hailing from the Isle of Wight in the U.K. They made their debut in June with a 4-song EP called "Party Food" and are generating lots of anticipatory buzz.  

Sarah Torribio